Red, Pigs, and Dutch Blitz

I love my mummy. She finds little ways to surprise and/or trick me. Once she gave me red mittens because my favourite pair got a hole in them. It was amazing. This year for Christmas I only asked for two things (Dutch Blitz and Pass the Pigs), mom sadly confessed that after much searching she could not find either gift. Christmas morning was beautiful, full of wonder, joy and a cute little sister. I was content. Later that day we visited some family where more gifts were exchanged with the younger cousins. Yet surprise-surprise, some how "Santa" had sneaked one last gift for me. It was, drum roll please, DUTCH BLITZ. Thank you my mummy.

Anyone up for a game?


Combs said…
Dutch blitz is great, though when you learn to play with two guys who've grown up playing it tends to drive you nutz. I only pass the pigs once and don't remember it that well, but I think it was fun. Anyway, I hope to keep up with you over the next few days.
Elizabeth said…
Dutch Blitz is wonderful.

Jeff, next time I am there we will have to dig them out. Oh I found my pirate lego you sold me back in gr 6.
Elizabeth said…
Jeff, that is great! Looks fun-er then cow tipping. I love it! Oh, now I want to play.

Oh and about cows. I just saw Cars New Year's Eve. I love the tractor tipping. Made me giggle, but not to loudly cause everyone else was asleep.