The Pursuit of the Golden Elephant

This has nothing to do with cult and everything to do with the success of today’s ultimate scavenger hunt. It was good even when nothing went as expected. The biggest disappointment was the turnout, eight students and four drivers showed up. Based on the sign up sheet I was expecting 12-15. The extra driver wanted to play and willingly joined a team, making three teams of three. The other was the delay in teams getting back. Turned out to be a good thing because we were able to get a game of Settlers in.

How the hunt worked: Each team was given a bag with a mascot (I love the dollar store), a disposable camera, game instructions and rules, and a list of 50 items to photograph; they could double up items they wanted. Thank you to everyone who gave suggests, it made the list of 50 possible! They then dropped off the cameras for one hour photo developing and I picked up after the event. I couldn’t wait so I took a peek right in the store. Hilarious, the teams did wonderful. I earned a few weird looks due to my great laughter.

Some of the fun things gathered that got me giggling:
-helping an old lady cross the street
-rolling down a hill
-eating ice cream
-a pink car
-dinosaur eggs…the group that got this went to a grocery store and took a picture of a box with cartoon dinosaur eggs

My favourite picture was the whole team in the library with their frog mascot and a librarian holding 26 books, each of the books starting with a different letter. I’ll be announcing the winner in church today. The winning team claims bragging rights, heralded as mayor of Catan…wait wrong game, and earns the golden elephant (an elephant figure glued to a upside down plant pot painted gold. I love the dollar store). Happy Days!
