"Wonder" -Sunday Scribblings

An Abby and Across Eldamar Story

Abby stood before the enormous doors of the Great Hall. She had been summoned here to meet the King and Queen of this strange world. She took a deep breath in and paused. Her future was uncertain. She hoped these powerful elves would send her back to her world. It was what she wanted but while she was in this elven kingdom she wanted to drink in every detail so she could remember it forever. She placed her had on the door’s detailed carvings. The eight foot doors had images of forests and animals, dragons, and strange creatures. The craftsmanship took Abby’s breath away. There was nothing she had ever seen even her visit to the Louver that compared.

At her touch the door gently glided open and Abby stepped into to the Great Hall and stopped. The room was unlike anything she had expected. The space was as big as a football field. There was a path of silver tiles leading from the door to the dais like a traditional red carpet. On both sides of the tiles was carpet as green as sweet grass. Abby noticed this as thought it was strange that this wasn’t reversed, the floor tiled and the walkway carpeted.

Near the wall there were twelve pillars stretching up to create a high vaulted ceiling. Artisans had carved these pillars to resemble trees with silver bark and golden leaves. The whole room felt alive and peaceful like walking in the woods on a warm summer afternoon. Abby stared at the beauty of the creations till she watched a leaf fall from one of the closer trees fall just in front of her.

Abby picked up the soft gold leaf and discovered the pillars weren’t just carved too look like trees. They were trees, living, growing trees right there in the elves’ grand hall. She stepped off the silver tiles and could tell she wasn’t walking on carpet but rather grass. This was truly a wondrous place. A new question entered Abby’s mind, “if she was able to go back home would she really want to leave?”

The End

For more wonder inspired writings visit Sunday Scribblings.
