Thankful Thursday -DAD!

I am thankful for....
Charles Daddy!

I love him! He is the bestest! He really is! If you haven't had the privileged of meeting him you'll have to take my word on the matter. I've already shared one of my absolute favourite daddy-daughter memories 2007 here (the post was originally titled "A Father Moment" I did some minor editing this afternoon). It's the story behind my favourite Christmas tradition and the mending of broken heart after a friendship betrayal -not every dad would do that.

And if he argues the point of his greatness, which he does from time to time, don't believe him. Often, when asked why he's said no, his standard response is "because I am a mean, horrible, and nasty man." It's not true! My Dad is my hero.

He is wonderful, and adventurous, and generous, and spontaneous. He's done everything he could to help me be a healthy mature adult while showing me it's still okay to be silly and child-like and not to know what you're going to do when you grow up. He's given me the best advice about life, love, and boys. And during those painful moments when my hearts been crushed he's said the only things that helped like "that guy was a jerk" and "punch him in the nose." Who would I be with out all our talks and the on going "Charlyology 101: daddy's thoughts on life" class?My Dad tells the best stories and writes the greatest lyrics to the best songs you've never heard. Classics like "going down south with a toad in my mouth" (which also happens to be all of the song's lyrics). He has given so much for both Lee-Ann and me to experience as many of the world's wonders as we possibly could. He even plays board games with us. That might not sound like much but it really is because while we love board games he has the opposite feelings for them.
Dad, it's all true. Please accept this as my father's day card...because there won't be one in your mail box before Sunday (and I can't even blame the postal strike -the card is sitting next to me at the moment) I love you much. I miss you. I have one issue. While looking for pictures of us together, just us, this one was the the only picture I could find. I think this is a very grievous error that must be rectified quickly. I think you and the whole family should come visit this summer so we could take pictures. Also because I love you and you here means hugs galore!

So yes, it is Thursday and I am thankful for my Dad! If you missed it:
He is my hero and the bestest and I love him very very much!


Jecca said…
i just love this, liz :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks Honey, I love you too.