Best of Bowl of Stew(art) from 2014

Happy New Year!

With the start of a new year I've been reflecting on the one that has just passed. It was a good year. There were family trips, new experiences, and joyful reunions. There were also mundane days, ruts, and reasons for tears. Here are some of best of the year in three categories:

The 14 Most Popular Posts of 2014
1. Good-byes -actually one of my saddest/hardest moments of the year
8. Kima

My 14 Favourite Posts of 2014
To count in this category it could not be listed in the most popular
2. My One Word -Abide
My 14 Best Memories of 2014
These are in chronological order of events
1. Florida vacation with my family
2. Easter egg hunt with 720
3. My 33 Birthday
4. Hosting a children's ministry volunteer training event at my church
5. Dan and Mandan's wedding and Patrick's visit
6. The whole summer with my amazing summer student from our murder mystery for the youth group to each Backyard Club the summer was a blast.
7. Best Friend visiting
8. Five day whirl-wind visit with family in Ontario
9. Hot air balloon ride with my Mom
10. Jenn's wedding
11. Encounter
12. Completing NaNoWriMo
13. The children's Christmas play "In a Galilee Far, Far Away"
14. Two Christmas with Van Meekerens and my family

And those are the things that made this year great. I am looking forward to another great year.
